Beauty Kit Essentials

11:13 PM

For those who have no idea what to bring in their beauty purse, then you're reading the right blog post. Back when I was 16 or 17 (i think?), I would carry 4-5 shades of lipstick and 3 separated tubes of lip balm.. and a lot of unnecessary products. So, may this be a guide on what the basic essentials are and I hope this helps.

The campus life has started again and I'm going to share what I keep in my beauty purse (or aka "Kikay kit"). This kit will help you prevent looking haggard and panda throughout the day... or at least for the next few hours.

1. Oil Control Sheets (or tissue)
The first step to removing oil and dirt on the face is by wiping off the excess oil build up instead of caking the face with powder. 

2. Baby Powder / Pressed Powder
I take this with me everyday so that I can touch up my makeup or cover some redness along my T-zone. This is great when you have an unexpected family dinner, girls' day out, or a date in case you don't wanna look, again, haggard. o_o"

3. Lip Balm
Some classrooms just blast off the AC to the max that my lips would crack and I hate chapped lips so much. To keep thy lips soft, apply lip balm lavishly. 

4. Comb
I don't need to explain.

5. Lipstick
This is optional but I prefer to have some color on my lips because I have a pale complexion. 

6. Wet tissues/wipes
Unfortunately, when soap in accessible at the moment, this will help. Also, this can be used to remove make up after classes.

7. Medicine
This isn't really a beauty-related thing but I carry some with me just in case I feel uneasy around the campus. ( not to mention, unbearable cramps are just horrible )

8. Eyebrow pencil
THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO CARRY. MORE IMPORTANT THAN CASH. jk. But yes, if you're like me who has an obsession with this eyebrow-perfection-disorder-problem-idontknow, then thou shall carry an eyebrow pencil (or any kit) so that in case your eyebrows get erased by sweat, rain, spit from all the trash talking, cat fights, sleeping during classes, and many more, you can easily retouch/redo your eyebrows.

So there you go, those are what I keep in my beauty purse, including feminine pads because you never know when it hits you. 

Thank you for reading!

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